Monday, 9 May 2011

New Camping Season is here!

It's almost camping time!!   I can't wait to get away this summer.  I won't be camping at provincial parks as much this year, but i'll be visiting them for day trips and such!

Speaking of day trips, went to bronte creek for the afternoon on sunday!   The triliium trail was absolutely beautiful!   There were hundreds of trilliums blooming!  Mostly the white ones, but a couple pink and we spotted  red ones!   Also interestingly some that had green stripes, and some were entirely green!  

There were also some trout lilies, which are those cute little yellow flowers that look like they are turned inside out.   We saw Yellow and white ones.  I hadn't seen white before! 

Also in the mix was jack-in-the-pulpits,  buttercups and  wild strawberries!

If your thinking about heading out to check out the spring wild flowers now is the time to do it!   Trilliums are in full bloom and will be dying off soon!

Bronte Creek is quite a strange park as far as provincial parks are concerned,  firstly, the day use area, and camping area are separated by the creek, which is in a huge gorge.   There is NO road between them in the park,  you need to jump on the qew to get from one side to the other!

The other strange and interesting thing is that there is a farm in the park!  with cows, pigs and peacocks!   I think there is also a petting zoo somewhere in the park to, but we didn't get to that. 

On a semi-related note,  i was looking for somewhere to visit for the afternoon and came across Trillium Woods Provincial park, a lovely sounding non-operating park located somewhere near woodstock.   It's got a trail and that is all! The interesting thing is that it is NOT where it is if you put "trillium woods provincial park, ontario " into google maps, or where the little bubble points to on the ontario parks map!!  It's about 20 minutes from there!  
It's  here

just so you know! 

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